
鋁製風槍噴槍 胎壓表打氣噴槍 清洗噴槍 噴漆 噴油槍 陶瓷頭噴砂槍 短風槍可伸縮噴風槍

1.噴風槍固定6"和可伸縮13"×29"兩種 接頭處可360°旋轉 Spray gun fixed 6 "and scalable 13" x29 "two The joints could be rotated 360 °

2.噴砂槍適用於清潔除鏽零件翻新蝕刻、表面處理 Sand blasting gun Apply to clean rust, parts refurbished, etching, surface processing

3.打氣槍適用於汽車機車、腳踏車等輪胎打氣量壓 Air guns for the automotive, motorcycle, bicycle tire inflation Pressure measurement

4.清潔噴槍適用於清潔劑、油漆、水泥漆等,油水性液體 Cleaning spray guns Apply cleaning agents, such as paint, Cement paint of oil-water liquid
